Brian Hamilton Kelly... wanker or what!!??
(too old to reply)
Phil Kyle
2006-10-24 15:26:05 UTC
I have been ignoring this for several days BUT it is beneath contempt
to take the piss out of someone who has died. You obviously never met
him. He was a lovely, funny, sexy, intelligent man who did no harm to
anyone. You and Paul Rooney are seriously deranged.
Indeed they are Janie and one day, they will get what they deserve.
Fate has a way of dealing with morons of the world like them.
LAFF! You get so inarticulate when you're angry. I conclude you are always
angry. Then again looking at jabba the hutt in the mirror every morning
probably does that.

So, along with all your other promises, besides the one above, did you
promise to stop challenging the "rule"? Did you assure us that you'd stop
talking to us altogether and simply hide behind your killfile (albeit a
suspiciously leaky one, we know you can't resist having a look)?

Did you promise to attack every new poster, particularly women, who
entered DL and then blame the lack of new posters on everyone else?

Did you promise to hide away in a password protected web forum because you
couldn't hack it any more?

If so, I have to say you've kept your word.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-10-25 16:07:40 UTC
(Much crap snipped)
I have no time for morons such as yourself who hide behind a pseudonym
and publically state that they hope Brian suffered. How pathetic of you
- do you know how much that hurts his partner, Janie ?
But no, idiots such as yourself think that's funny don't you - hiding
behind your keyboard and saying such things. Would you come and say
such a thing to our faces ? No you wouldn't, as you'd end up on the
And as usual, our Royal Thickness doesn't realise that someone who
threatens to shoot people, illegally reads other people's emails and
threatens to beat up minors, spends his time trolling demon.service and
uk.adverts.computers looks like an utter twat when he attempts to take the
moral high ground.
In your wet dreams, fantafud.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-10-25 16:16:03 UTC
I have no time for morons such as yourself who hide behind a pseudonym
and publically state that they hope Brian suffered. How pathetic of you
- do you know how much that hurts his partner, Janie ?
Would this be the same Brian {Hamilton} Kelly who made the most gross
remarks when a poster mentioned something about a child being born after
succesful artificial insemination due to the husband having suffered
from testicular cancer?
Did he really? Why doesn't that surprise me. Yes, for some reason acting
like a tosser when you're alive has no bearing on whether you are
respected when you're dead. Must be some old person's thing.
What goes around comes around...
But no, idiots such as yourself think that's funny don't you - hiding
behind your keyboard and saying such things. Would you come and say
such a thing to our faces ? No you wouldn't, as you'd end up on the
Are you going to Southport?
Nah, have you seen the size of that fat bastard?
(Fuck Off And Read Someone Else's Emails!)
Phil Kyle™

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Theobold Watcher
2006-10-27 23:39:14 UTC
Post by Phil Kyle
Would this be the same Brian {Hamilton} Kelly who made the most gross
remarks when a poster mentioned something about a child being born after
succesful artificial insemination due to the husband having suffered
from testicular cancer?
Did he really? Why doesn't that surprise me. Yes, for some reason acting
like a tosser when you're alive has no bearing on whether you are
respected when you're dead. Must be some old person's thing.
He could be a most despicable person, though to the d.l locals he was
"robust and forthright". Well, I'm much more robuster than him now and I'd
love to dance on his grave if I could find out where it is. (If he was
buried at sea I'll ask Deirdre Barlow to row me out in his salmon-shit
collecting boat, so I can do my reel.)
Theo Watcher