Post by terry knightHas anybody had misfires using Eley .22 lr with the BSA
international rifle? Is it ok with Lapua?
I don't know about Lapua (or the BSA International rifle), but the most
unreliable .22LR rimfire cartridge I have encountered is the Eley.
Eley 'no-bangs' we used to call them.
Mind you, this was back in the 1980s when I was using a BRNO rifle for
sporting purposes, rather than target. I'd have thought Eley would have
addressed the problem by now ;-)
I returned a faulty batch to Eley who replaced them and said the problem was
with the centrifugal primer distribution around the rim. I guess this was
true because I found that if I rotated an Eley 'no-bang' in the breech by
90° or so after it had misfired, it would then usually fire OK.
I changed to Winchester and they have never given me a problem.
Have you tried rotating a selection of your Eley misfires in the breech by
90° increments to see if they then fire OK? If they do, you probably have a
primer distribution problem (or Eley does!). If they don't fire, then check
your firing pin protrusion and give the breech face/headspace a good clean.
Does the firing pin indentation in the cartridge rim look adequate? Can you
try some of the Eley .22LRs from the same batch in another rifle?
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