Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:13:15 UTC
Another possible option is to provide a financial recompense scheme for
the customer to buy their way out of jail. i.e. purchase the extra
usage that they have used and face no 30 day restriction penalty. A
good income stream possibly.
I'm surprised that if Demon are now implementing caps, that they don'tthe customer to buy their way out of jail. i.e. purchase the extra
usage that they have used and face no 30 day restriction penalty. A
good income stream possibly.
provide some form of online checker to see how much you've downloaded -
many other ISPs do, Zen for one, who provide a customer 'portal' with
all the information like that graphically and statistically presented.
If you need to, you can also buy additional Gb usage.
It's a shame you can't install software though, as there's an excellent
free utility for measuring data/bandwidth usage with all manner of
stats possible from it - Netmeter:-
Phil Kyle
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