Burton Mail Exclusive!
(too old to reply)
Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 17:10:55 UTC
Anger as post box removed !
For the full story and how it has affected Derbyshire's rolling
hillbillies, see
The perils of living in the country. I see there are some *very&
Around 700 soldiers returned from Iraq to go back to their homes and
families across Staffordshire, with their duties in the Gulf state to be
passed on to another regiment. Mail reporters TOM SLOAN and ED HILL,
along with photographer NEIL BARKER, who had donned his very best khaki
for the occasion, met the returning squaddies to find out what life in
Iraq had been like.
Yes, I wonder what it was like, having not been there myself despite
telling everyone I was.
IN THE PINK DAY. Claire Brabbin, who organised the day, said: "All the
staff got involved and wore pink for the last day before half term. "It
really was nice everyone got so involved and even the Burton Mail photo
editor wore pink" Picture: NEIL BARKER
Very informative, that.
A BURTON Mail photographer told today how he was stranded in mid-air in
a mountain cable car while on holiday in America. Mail picture editor
Neil Barker was on his way down Loon Mountain in the state of New
Hampshire when his cable car broke down, leaving him hanging in mid-air
with 50 other tourists. Neil and his fellow holidaymakers eventually had
to abseil down from the mountain in a harness attached to the overhead
cables. Neil was last down as a harness previously used to rescue an
elephant stuck in a swamp had to be specially flown from India to lift
Yes, very interesting stories, but I would hardly call that a
*newspaper*. It only has a circulation of 15,000+ !!! The Beano sells
more copies than that! Why, I've even seen more posts made to
demon.local by a single poster than that measly figure. 15,000+!!! Get
yourself a real job, Barker. (At his age I would think he has about
reached his peak - it will be all downhill now for Fatty Nelly Barker.)
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2007-01-01 16:10:22 UTC
Post by Phil Kyle
Anger as post box removed !
For the full story and how it has affected Derbyshire's rolling
hillbillies, see
The perils of living in the country. I see there are some *very&
Around 700 soldiers returned from Iraq to go back to their homes and
families across Staffordshire, with their duties in the Gulf state
to be passed on to another regiment. Mail reporters TOM SLOAN and ED
HILL, along with photographer NEIL BARKER, who had donned his very
best khaki for the occasion, met the returning squaddies to find out
what life in Iraq had been like.
Yes, I wonder what it was like, having not been there myself despite
telling everyone I was.
IN THE PINK DAY. Claire Brabbin, who organised the day, said: "All
the staff got involved and wore pink for the last day before half
term. "It really was nice everyone got so involved and even the
Burton Mail photo editor wore pink" Picture: NEIL BARKER
Very informative, that.
A BURTON Mail photographer told today how he was stranded in mid-air
in a mountain cable car while on holiday in America. Mail picture
editor Neil Barker was on his way down Loon Mountain in the state of
New Hampshire when his cable car broke down, leaving him hanging in
mid-air with 50 other tourists. Neil and his fellow holidaymakers
eventually had to abseil down from the mountain in a harness
attached to the overhead cables. Neil was last down as a harness
previously used to rescue an elephant stuck in a swamp had to be
specially flown from India to lift him.
Yes, very interesting stories, but I would hardly call that a
*newspaper*. It only has a circulation of 15,000+ !!! The Beano sells
more copies than that! Why, I've even seen more posts made to
demon.local by a single poster than that measly figure. 15,000+!!!
Get yourself a real job, Barker. (At his age I would think he has
about reached his peak - it will be all downhill now for Fatty Nelly
You had to be there I suppose.
Phil Kyle™

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