More Demon woes....
(too old to reply)
Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:02:28 UTC
The Demon call centre is a joke - and totally useless.
Total bullshit. I've only had to use them once- or maybe twice, it's
been a long time- but they gave sound advice, which worked.
Provided you speak PunjabEnglish and the answer you need is on the
script, you're fine.
As hilarious and as original as ever, ballattyboy.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:03:55 UTC
Total bullshit. I've only had to use them once- or maybe twice,
it's been a long time- but they gave sound advice, which worked.
Provided you speak PunjabEnglish and the answer you need is on the
script, you're fine.
Again, total bullshit. I speak only about what I find.
Oh come on Peter - take off your rose-tinted spectacles to anything
Demon. I read many stories here about the difficulties in making sense
of what the helldesk is saying and how they're so obviously lost once
the answers on their script diminish.
Yes, you read many stories but this is a support group, so what do you
expect you thick fuck? You haven't actually experienced any problems
because you left Demon years ago but you're such a sad bastard you hang
around here slagging them off.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:06:37 UTC
Again, total bullshit. I speak only about what I find.
Oh come on Peter - take off your rose-tinted spectacles to anything
And how would you know about what happens with the Demon helpdesk? You
don't use it. And stories are just that- as always demon.service
contains a necessarily self-selected, small subset of people for whom
things have gone wrong. As far as accents and comprehensibility are
concerned, some of the comments verge on stupid racism- but why should
Demon users be any different from the rest of the population?
Ahhhh, I wondered how long it would take for the racism card to be
Maybe that's because you're too dense to realise everyone knows fine well
you're a racist cunt due to your constant fuck ups.
It's not racism at all Peter - I've had experience of having to
ring call centres and speaking to "Kevin" who was largely
incomprehensible and couldn't understand me, either. I now make it a
point, as far as possible, to avoid using any company that has offshore
call centres.
"I'm not racist but I did ask La Puce if she wanted to be a coon"
I'm just pleased I left Demon for an ISP that works, has excellent
customer service (just like Demon USED to have) and has recently won
the PCPro ISP of the year - deservedly so.
Since you don't have any current experience of Demon how can you compare
it to past performance, dipshit?
Next you'll ask why I still read demon.service as I'm not a Demon
subscriber - simple - to amuse myself at those who soldier on, despite
appalling 'service' and mushroom management.
Or because you're a sad bastard.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:07:46 UTC
In this I'm all for the PC brigade. And
if every now and again PC becomes madness- I've experienced that too-
it's too bad; it's a price worth paying.
Like hell it is.
Many Muslims and the much talked about "ethnic minorities" are now
waking up to the fact that this barrage of political correctness is
more divisive than if it did not exist. A substantial proportion of
them simply do not want it and never have - they just want to be left
alone to get on with life and that's just hunky dory by me.
Really? Would you like to quote those sources?
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:09:07 UTC
Ahhhh, I wondered how long it would take for the racism card to be
played. It's not racism at all Peter
Yes it damn well is. Irrelevant comments thrown in about accent, framed
to look like 'jokes'. Nod nod, wink wink, the style of 'They're Pakis
you know'.
Substantive complaints about real failures are fine, but these are
racist add-ons. Not everybody does it, of course not, but enough to
leave a very nasty taste. If you can't see it, you are suffering from
selective blindness. You did it yourself in your first post here-
'Provided you speak PunjabEnglish'. Quite mild, but implying a world of
attitude behind it. Not uncommon but not good either. And if you think
it's harmless- it's not harmless at all.
I am absolutely sick to death of apologists in this country who trot
out the 'race' card at every opportunity. We are made out to be
'racists' at the slightest criticism of any "ethnic minority". It is
totally pathetic and I do not subscribe to it at all.
Why do you put ethnic minority in quotes, Neil?
What is 'racist' about not being able to understand someone due to
their inability to either speak English or them not being able to
understand you ?
Nothing. Your derogatory remarks regarding race do that for you.
The only person suffering from selective blindness here is yourself -
in your continued head-in-the-sand posture of "everything's fine for
me, so it must be you" routine.
Now that, is pathetic.
That's you that is.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:09:26 UTC
I am absolutely sick to death of apologists in this country who trot
out the 'race' card at every opportunity. We are made out to be
'racists' at the slightest criticism of any "ethnic minority". It is
totally pathetic and I do not subscribe to it at all.
And I am far sicker of hopeless idiots like you who from the depths of
their total ignorance and lack of experience spout shit like this.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:10:05 UTC
I am absolutely sick to death of apologists in this country who trot
out the 'race' card at every opportunity. We are made out to be
'racists' at the slightest criticism of any "ethnic minority". It is
totally pathetic and I do not subscribe to it at all.
And I am far sicker of hopeless idiots like you who from the depths of
their total ignorance and lack of experience spout shit like this.
Lol. Calm down Peter, or you'll run out of Nitroglycerine....
Thankfully, the tide is now turning against political correctness.
Make up your mind. In your last post you were screaming about how it was
ruining the country.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:10:35 UTC
And how would you know about what happens with the Demon helpdesk?
You don't use it. And stories are just that- as always
demon.service contains a necessarily self-selected, small subset of
people for whom things have gone wrong. As far as accents and
comprehensibility are concerned, some of the comments verge on
stupid racism- but why should Demon users be any different from the
rest of the population?
Ahhhh, I wondered how long it would take for the racism card to be
played. It's not racism at all Peter
"I wonder - is there perhaps some form of cosmetic surgery we can pay
so that Helene can actually become a coon ?"
That's right Joe, it's good to see you value my posts so much that you
archive them and I stand by all I said above - it's seemingly Helen's
LAFF! And after insisting he's not a racist he fucks up again. Thick as a
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:10:54 UTC
A business account does have _some_ advantages, but I suspect that a
home account user would have received the same service.
You reckon ?
I reckon you're a fat loser.
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:12:17 UTC
What happened to Malcolm Muir by the way?
Last response from Malcolm, that I can find, is dated 22 September. I
hope there is nothing wrong.
Yes, I do too.
However it may well stem back to Demon's takeover by Thus some years
back and the 'gagging' that came with it. Demon's "customer champion"
was then effectively rendered impotent, much to the loss of its
customers :-(
It's a bastard being impotent, innit Nelly? Those clogged arteries can't
Phil Kyle™

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Father Kylesmas
2006-12-20 17:12:32 UTC
Last response from Malcolm, that I can find, is dated 22 September. I
hope there is nothing wrong.
He (or someone dressed like him) posted what I think is the most recent
article to demon.announce on 3rd October.
Two months ago ?
Wow - still a wasteland then :-(
A bit like demon.local, innit?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2007-01-01 16:07:25 UTC
Post by Father Kylesmas
The Demon call centre is a joke - and totally useless.
Total bullshit. I've only had to use them once- or maybe twice, it's
been a long time- but they gave sound advice, which worked.
Provided you speak PunjabEnglish and the answer you need is on the
script, you're fine.
As hilarious and as original as ever, ballattyboy.
Is there a point to all this?
Phil Kyle™

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