2006-11-29 21:18:15 UTC
Hello All,
Nostalgia time. I recently bought an ancient Relum Tornado air rifle with
the idea of shooting rats on a mates small holding, the Tornado was one of
the first .22's I ever owned. I've got it all ready for action apart from
the trigger adjusting screw, I can't find one of the right thread size.
Has anyone any idea of what the thread is on the trigger adjustment screw?
it fits inside the trigger guard screw and has a tiny spring on it I assume
to stop the screw moving position. At the moment I would need arms like
herucles to pull the trigger which makes it very difficult to maintain
accuracy. I've been told that it is a BA thread but not sure and I don't
want to risk damaging the thread in the trigger guard screw by using the
wrong size.
Hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance
Nostalgia time. I recently bought an ancient Relum Tornado air rifle with
the idea of shooting rats on a mates small holding, the Tornado was one of
the first .22's I ever owned. I've got it all ready for action apart from
the trigger adjusting screw, I can't find one of the right thread size.
Has anyone any idea of what the thread is on the trigger adjustment screw?
it fits inside the trigger guard screw and has a tiny spring on it I assume
to stop the screw moving position. At the moment I would need arms like
herucles to pull the trigger which makes it very difficult to maintain
accuracy. I've been told that it is a BA thread but not sure and I don't
want to risk damaging the thread in the trigger guard screw by using the
wrong size.
Hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance