Inspirational Lyric of the Day - 9th November 2006
(too old to reply)
Phil Kyle
2006-11-10 16:04:20 UTC
What are your opinions?
That you are a sock.
Yes Neil, we heard you the first 50 times. I'm sure Daddy saw one of them.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-10 16:04:53 UTC
What are your opinions?
That you are a sock.
That's just one opinion.
National Federation of Overweight Dramaqueens?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-11 15:20:58 UTC
I'm disappointed
That's just tough.
Unlike yourself, pansy.
that you too are unable to grasp the intricacies of this
song. Perhaps I have not explained it well? It weaves a tangled web
with its preceding lyrics, and then proceeds to deliver the ultimate
question with aplomb.
It's yet more vapid bollocks from d.l's latest sock-puppet.
Compared to your posting history it's fucking Shakespeare.
Neil Barker, tell me why, if you'll excuse the play on words, you
disagree with my sentiment about these lyrics. I'm all ears.
Why should I ?
Why should he listen to a fat ginger twat like you?
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
1) Your posts are vapid crap.
So are yours.
2) Your pseudonym has only existed on Usenet/Netnews since October 2006
So has yours, because you use XNA to hide your trolling of demon.service
and uk.adverts.computers and racist diatribes here in DL.
3) You only post to d.l. and x-post to where your retard 'friends' do.
Is that worse than reading other people's emails without their permission
which is against the computer miususe act and therefore ILLEGAL?
Therefore, you are a sock.
Therefore, you are the michelin man.
Carrying all that blubber about, you'll be next.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-11 15:22:10 UTC
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
1) Your posts are vapid crap.
On the basis of that criterion, you are a sock yourself!
Poor Neil. Poor thickie Neil. Poor thickie ginger Neil.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:37:48 UTC
Post by Phil Kyle
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
1) Your posts are vapid crap.
On the basis of that criterion, you are a sock yourself!
Poor Neil. Poor thickie Neil. Poor thickie ginger Neil.
Poor thickie fatty ginger Neil.
Poor thickie fatty inarticulate Neil.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:37:59 UTC
Post by Phil Kyle
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
1) Your posts are vapid crap.
On the basis of that criterion, you are a sock yourself!
Poor Neil. Poor thickie Neil. Poor thickie ginger Neil.
Poor thickie fatty ginger Neil.
And cunt.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-11 15:23:45 UTC
3) You only post to d.l. and x-post to where your retard 'friends' do.
I would like you to cite a post where I have cross-posted to another
group. I have never cross-posted and I have no interest in doing so; it
is more trouble than it is worth. I would like you to retract your false
What's this. Surely Neil Barker hasn't LIED? NOOOOOO!!!!!!111 Thank
goodness XNA will save him, won't it?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:26:42 UTC
I would appreciate a response, Neil Barker.
Appreciate all you like. You are a sock, here for one purpose only and
that isn't for 'normal' newsgroup conversation. Hence I have no time
for morons such as yourself.
No comment on the lie you put forward as your "evidence" that LL is a
sock. So, would you like to post message ID's of LL crossposting, Barking?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:28:41 UTC
I would appreciate a response, Neil Barker.
Appreciate all you like. You are a sock, here for one purpose only and
that isn't for 'normal' newsgroup conversation. Hence I have no time
for morons such as yourself.
Neil Barker
Ah yes, 'normal' newsgroup conversation. How you used to enjoy the
ribald, robust banter which crackled back and forth in demon.local. Do
you remember when Keith posted this to John Kaye? It was a beautiful
[BEGIN 'normal' newsgroup conversation from Keef to Kunt Kaye]
"You quoted, publicly, two lines from a private e-mail "hacked" from
someone else's domain.
You purported that its contents had been 'leaked' to you by a mole,
knowing that Neil Barker had obtained it in a devious and immoral
You deliberately, maliciously and vindictively lied, to provoke
dissention and disharmony amongst a group of friends, for no other
apparent reason than to bolster your own delusions of influence and
*AND IT WASN'T NECESSARY*.... that's the immeasurably stupid part of
To quote others, I find your actions utterly contemptible. The many
caring and considerate kindnesses, which I know you have performed in
the past, are diminished to nothing through one single calculated and
ruthless act..
Your continued defence of the indefensible, allied to your inability to
recognise and mitigate the hurt you have caused to many in this
newsgroup, is *not* the actions of the John Kaye I thought I knew and
whose company I have enjoyed - it is the actions of a sad, 'little' man.
If I thought it would do any good, I would try and knock some sense into
you, <sorrowfully> you absolute fucking dickhead."
[/END 'normal' newsgroup conversation from Keef to Kunt Kaye]
Was that *YOU* he was torking about Nelly Barker? "devious and immoral"?
Why, if anyone referred to me in that way I would soon have my crack
legal team on to them, and no mistake. But there again, I never broke in
to anyone's mail accounts to read messages on the server before the poor
trusting soul downloaded them herself.
Have you ever given anyone one of your special passwords since this
event, Fatty Barker?
Has Barker broken section I of the computer misuse act? Oh dear!
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:31:16 UTC
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
Of course
Neil Barker
Quite a disgraceful thing to do, Nelly Barker, to edit someone's post in
that way in order to change the entire meaning. It is almost as bad as
illegally downloading other peoples' emails without their permission.
[Neil Barker gives vivid explanation of how he "accidentally" downloaded
a lady's emails without her permission. I don't recall his explanation
of how the Kunt Kaye ended up receiving same emails. Did you ever get
around to that, Neil?]
When I built and setup Allison's computer last year, as bits and pieces
were arriving sporadically and time was pressing before the Bibury meet,
I used an older 'test-bed' machine of mine to setup the system and then
clone it onto her machine when it was all ready to accept it. Everything
was setup correctly - this also included setting a POP3 password so that
she would be able to receive mail should there be problems with
mailkicks via SMTP, or should she wish to choose this method. I do also
recall explaining this and indeed asking her what password she'd like
for this - something I've now long since forgot.
Towards the middle of January this year my hairdresser, Richard, asked
for my help in sorting his Internet stuff out on his computer, having a
problem with his email. I can recall quite vividly how I was on the
phone to him late one night asking him for his details to enter into
Outlook (also setup on the same test-bed used above, when my bleeper
went off. I had to therefore end that call there and then and upon
checking found I'd got an RTA to go to in the middle of nowhere.
Returning from that later on, said test-bed machine was on-line, having
automatically connected to my account via a timed connection. Whilst
online, Outlook had also 'kindly' checked for email - using the details
for Allison's machine which I'd forgotten were still setup (When setting
her machine up, I did toy with the idea of giving her another choice as
well as Tripnuke - you will know my 'hatred' of large buttons....).
That, is how a couple of emails came to be inadvertently downloaded
[/End of lying towrag's explanation]
Have you thought of an alibi concerning your passing of above mentioned
posts on John Kunt Kaye, Neil? I'm sure *everyone* would love to hear
With such credibility amongst his own "friends", how could we ever doubta
word he says?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:37:07 UTC
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
1) Your posts are vapid crap.
On the basis of that criterion, you are a sock yourself!
Ah, but Neil said "you're only here as a sock". Neil isn't only here as
a sock, he's here as a whipping-boy and figure of fun too.
And a very fat figure of fun at that, oh yes! I am not one to normally
comment on the appearance of a person for that is how they were created,
but Neil is just *so* fat.
He certainly is. He denied being ginger, will he deny being fat?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:39:02 UTC
I'm disappointed
That's just tough.
that you too are unable to grasp the intricacies of this
song. Perhaps I have not explained it well? It weaves a tangled web
with its
preceding lyrics, and then proceeds to deliver the ultimate question
It's yet more vapid bollocks from d.l's latest sock-puppet.
Neil Barker, tell me why, if you'll excuse the play on words, you
with my sentiment about these lyrics. I'm all ears.
Why should I ?
You're only here as a sock - look at the evidence:-
1) Your posts are vapid crap.
2) Your pseudonym has only existed on Usenet/Netnews since October 2006
3) You only post to d.l. and x-post to where your retard 'friends' do.
Therefore, you are a sock.
Neil Barker
And if he don't? You will *never* be off his case, will you, Neil?
"I don't do 'ignore' when it comes to long sigs. I challenge them. Every
single one. Sig-flaming is what we do. Successfully." (Neil Barker -
Yes, what a fat lying fat ginger fat fat fat fatty fat bastard.
Not only that, but he lied in #3 as well.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-11-15 15:39:40 UTC
National Federation of Overweight Dramaqueens?
I hope we have encouraged Neil to leave Usenet and do some fucking
Phil Kyle™

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