Speaking of lyrics, "The Hokey Pokey" was published in 1950, and
"Alfie" in 1966. So why do the lyrics to "Alfie" ask the question
"What's it all about?" when the lyrics to "The Hokey Pokey" had
already given quite an explicit answer to that question 16 years
No bones about it: People are different.
I am a one off.
One off the wrist?
Do you have difficulty reading?
Neil Barker has no difficulty reading other peoples e-mails after he has
hacked into their mail accounts except he did it purely accidentally
When I built and setup Allison's computer last year, as bits and pieces
were arriving sporadically and time was pressing before the Bibury meet,
I used an older 'test-bed' machine of mine to setup the system and then
clone it onto her machine when it was all ready to accept it. Everything
was setup correctly - this also included setting a POP3 password so that
she would be able to receive mail should there be problems with
mailkicks via SMTP, or should she wish to choose this method. I do also
recall explaining this and indeed asking her what password she'd like
for this - something I've now long since forgot.
Towards the middle of January this year my hairdresser, Richard, asked
for my help in sorting his Internet stuff out on his computer, having a
problem with his email. I can recall quite vividly how I was on the
phone to him late one night asking him for his details to enter into
Outlook (also setup on the same test-bed used above, when my bleeper
went off. I had to therefore end that call there and then and upon
checking found I'd got an RTA to go to in the middle of nowhere.
Returning from that later on, said test-bed machine was on-line, having
automatically connected to my account via a timed connection. Whilst
online, Outlook had also 'kindly' checked for email - using the details
for Allison's machine which I'd forgotten were still setup (When setting
her machine up, I did toy with the idea of giving her another choice as
well as Tripnuke - you will know my 'hatred' of large buttons....).
That, is how a couple of emails came to be inadvertently downloaded
Who believes a word of such a shabby excuse wot Neil Barker wrote?
Well, considering he spends most of his time lying through his teeth, such
as denying he said he was going to shoot a woman, despite the fact
everyone saw him, denying he was ginger despite evidence to the contrary
and saying he was going to Iraq when he was actually too scared to, no
can't say I do.
Interestingly he has never denied he is fat.
Phil Kyle
h i
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s l
f i l
S o n o
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g r s g