network security
(too old to reply)
Phil Kyle
2006-10-22 16:41:56 UTC
Thanks to all. Yesterday afternoon he put up anti-fox spikes on the
garden wall and I did the equivalent on the network. We feel much
safer now...!
Round here we have a problem with deer - the muntjack variety - any
ideas for preventing them from eating all the blooms off the spring
Anything from .243 upwards will be fine.
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-10-23 14:49:24 UTC
Since he would not be on my property, I would not be liable for his
unpleasant activities. The case would be no different than if he rented
his own connection of an isp.
1) You have to prove that - which will be difficult
PROVE IT!!!!!!!!1
2) Do you want police visiting your property and using their 'secret
knock' to smash your door down, followed by the seizure of your
computers which you may not see back for months ?
Why would they use a secret knock to smash your door down? Surely the
whole point of smashing a door down is that is isn't secret?
Just lock down your network.
Ok. Now what?
Phil Kyle™

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Phil Kyle
2006-10-25 19:43:36 UTC
No. He can use your broadband connection to send/receive spam,
viruses, trojans, or the already mentioned kiddy porn, etc. that may
get your ADSL connection shutdown. Your ADSL IP address will get
recorded as the point of injection for the stuff sent.
Yes, but the fact he/she is using your network without your consent
means the law is still on your side, best keep those network logs
somewhere safe for the future.
But is it not SO MUCH EASIER just to secure the network in the first
place (which isn't exactly rocket science to do....) and just avoid
this issue in the first place ????
"The Drone" has described the potential consequences of such an event,
avoiding the need for me to say the same and if you think it can't
happen to you, you're sadly mistaken or seriously deluded :-(
Fuck off, Neil.
Phil Kyle™

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